All Stainless Steel Flat Workbench with solid undershelf - WB6-0900/A 900mm Wide Free optional leg brace instead of the solid shelf; please specify leg brace on purchase order if required OPTIONAL DRAWERS AVAILABLE; - See Stainless Steel Accessories
600 mm deep × 900 mm high
Specially designed for quick & simple assembly
Comes with instruction manual & tools
Supplied flat-packed for ease of transport
4 legs per bench - 2100 & 2400 mm wide benches have 6 legs
Locking drawers available*
1.2 mm S/S; 42 mm Ø
Fully adjustable S/S polished disc feet that match the legs perfectly
Castor kits available (lockable)
1.2 mm material; SUS304 (18/8)
Llined with XPS board, 20 mm thick & S/S panel
Special S/S ‘U’ channel reinforcements under
As the bench size increases so does the number of channels
Height of shelf is fully adjustable, also an extra shelf can be added
Special ‘U’ channel reinforcements under to suit the bench type & size, and as the bench size increases so does the ‘U’ channel width; S/S 1.2 mm thick